
Market surveillance activity information

Economy: Bosnia and Herzegovina


Measure type Measure category
Voluntary measures Withdrawal of a product from the market
Voluntary measures Recall of a product from end users
Voluntary measures Warning consumers of the risks

Product information

Product category: Childcare articles and children's equipment

Product name: Dječiji drveni krevetić DREWEX Žirafa bež


Bar code: 5902622000169

Type / number of model: 05-12-2022A

Country of origin: Poland

Risk assessment information

Risk type category:

  • Entrapment
  • Injuries
  • Strangulation

Risk type subcategory:

  • Entrapment, Injuries, Strangulation

Risk description: Sistem zaključavanja na pokretnoj strani krevetića ne ispunjava zahtjeve u najnižem položaju pa na ovim mjestima može da se zakači odjeća djeteta. Postoje dostupne praznine na pokretnoj strani krevetića na kojima bi dijete moglo da se povrijedi. Krevetić ima oštre dostupne ivice na plastičnom poklopcu na gornjoj ivici pokretne strane što bi moglo da izazove posjekotine.

Product images