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Regulation Type Notifying Economy TBT Date of Submission Final date for comments Proposed date of Adoption Status
Technical Regulation Kosovo* PROJECT REGULATION (MTI) NO.XX/ 2020 ON PREPACKED PRODUCTS 24/01/2020 31/03/2020 Archived
Technical Regulation Kosovo* REGULATION AMENDING AND SUPPLEMENTING REGULATION (MTI) NO. 01/2018 ON LABELING AND MARKING OF TEXTILE PRODUCTS 11/05/2023 12/06/2023 20/06/2023 Archived
Technical Regulation Serbia Regulation of ship's machinery 24/01/2019 24/02/2019 Archived
Technical Regulation Serbia Regulation on amendments Regulation on technical rules for statutory certification of inland navigation ships 21/10/2019 20/11/2019 Archived
Technical Regulation Serbia Regulation on Construction Products 28/03/2017 28/04/2017 Archived
Technical Regulation Serbia Regulation on technical and other requirements for cold-formed welded structural hollow sections of non-alloy and fine grain steels 18/06/2015 03/08/2015 Archived
Technical Regulation Serbia Regulation on technical and other requirements for slag, as a construction product intended for use in the construction, reconstruction, rehabilitation and maintenance of embankments, fills and slabs of public infrastructure objects 29/06/2018 28/09/2018 Archived
Technical Regulation Serbia Regulation on technical rules for statutory certification of inland navigation ships 27/08/2018 27/09/2018 Archived
Technical Regulation Serbia Regulation on the classes of the passenger ships 16/10/2018 16/11/2018 Archived
Technical Regulation Serbia Regulation on the classes of the passenger ships 16/10/2018 16/11/2018 Archived
Technical Regulation Serbia Rulebook on ecodesign requirements for standby and off mode, and networked standby, electric power consumption of electrical and electronic household and office equipement 06/06/2023 05/07/2023 07/07/2023 Archived
Technical Regulation Serbia Rulebook of cocoa and chocolate products intended for human consumption 27/02/2019 30/03/2019 Archived
Technical Regulation Serbia Rulebook on Protein measuring instruments for cereal grains and oilseeds 04/11/2019 09/12/2019 Archived
Technical Regulation Serbia Rulebook on active photon radiation dosimeters used in protection against ionizing radiation 26/10/2022 25/11/2022 30/11/2022 Archived
Technical Regulation Serbia Rulebook on aerosol dispensers 10/05/2017 30/06/2017 Archived
Technical Regulation Serbia Rulebook on amendments Rulebook on technical rules for boats, floating bodies and floating objects 08/05/2023 08/06/2023 09/06/2023 Archived
Technical Regulation Serbia Rulebook on Amendments to the Rulebook on marking and labeling of textile products 25/11/2019 25/12/2019 Archived
Technical Regulation Serbia Rulebook on amendments to the Rulebook on parameters and analysis methods, as well as determining the quality of grape must, wine and other products from grapes, must, grape marc and wines used in the production of wine 04/07/2023 04/08/2023 05/08/2023 Archived
Technical Regulation Serbia Rulebook on amendments to the Rulebook on the quality of fruit and vegetable products 02/02/2024 02/03/2024 04/03/2024 Archived
Technical Regulation Serbia Rulebook on amendments to the Rulebook on the quality of spices, spices extracts and spices mixtures 27/06/2023 26/07/2023 27/07/2023 Archived

Total number of results: 318