În Republica Moldova nu sunt prevederi legislative separate despre controlul sanitar. Toate prevederile sanitare sunt incluse în reglementările Fitosanitare sau în regulamentele de profil.
Sanitary and Phytosanitary & Veterinary regulation
In this part of the CEFTA Web Portal you will find the most important sanitary, phytosanitary and veterinary control procedures to be followed for each CEFTA Economy.
The information about the control procedures includes but is not limited to:
1.The location of sanitary, phytosanitary and/or veterinary control offices including working hours in each office;
2.A description of sanitary, phytosanitary and/or veterinary procedures;
3.The documents asked by the respective authorities in order to obtain approval for entering, transiting or exiting the territory of the respective CEFTA Economy;
4.The officially approved documents issued by the respective authorities;
5.A description of the official procedures for sampling.
In cases where the final destination of goods is one of the CEFTA Economies included in this web portal, please refer to the sanitary, phytosanitary and/or veterinary import procedures of that Economy. In case your goods exit the territory of one of the CEFTA Economies included in this web portal, please refer to the sanitary, phytosanitary and/or veterinary export procedures relevant to that Economy.