Public Procurement
E-mail In this part of the CEFTA Web Portal you will find the most important information about public procurement in each CEFTA Economy.
The information about public procurement includes but is not limited to:
1.Legal framework of the public procurement system in each Economy;
2.The procedures that need to be followed for awarding public procurement contracts;
3.The documents that have to be submitted in response to tender invitation;
4.Time allowed for the preparation and submission of offers;
5.Links and resources where you can access information on tenders as well as the public procurement processes.
For more information or advice on applying for public contracts in each CEFTA Economy please refer to the public procurement part of that Economy.
- Council of Ministers
- Ministry of Finance
- Ministry of Economy, Trade and Energy
- Ministry of Public Works and Transport
- Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Consumer Protection
- Ministry of Internal Affairs
- Ministry of Health
- Ministry of Foreign Affairs
- Ministry of Environment, Forests and Water Management
- Ministry of Labor, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities
- Ministry of European Integration
Agencies, Directorates and Institutions:
- National Registration Center
- National Licensing Center
- Public Procurement Agency
- General Directorate of State Police
- General Directory of Metrology and Calibration
- General Directorate of Trademarks and Patents
- State Labor Inspectorate
- National Employment Service
- State Social Services
- Institute of Statistics