In this part of the CEFTA Web Portal you will find the most important customs import/export procedures separately for each CEFTA Economy.
Procedures include but are not limited to:
1.The location of customs clearance offices;
2.The working hours in each office;
3.The procedures to follow based on the destination of your goods;
4.The documents to present to customs authorities for obtaining approval for the relevant destination;
5.The officially approved documents given to you by customs authorities in each case;
6.The procedures followed by customs authorities for calculating the customs value of your goods;
7.The definition of rules of origins determining customs preferential or non preferential tariffs;
8.The Free Trade Agreements signed by each CEFTA Economy with the other signatories.
In cases where the final destination of goods is one of the CEFTA Economies, please refer to the import procedures section of this Economy on this portal. In cases where goods transit through different economies before arriving to their final destination, please refer to the transit procedures of these economies. If goods exit one of the CEFTA Economies included in this site, please refer to the export procedures for the relevant Economy.
Procedura de import | |
Import is the customs regime under which goods are released into free circulation on Moldova's customs territory provided that all customs fees are paid and measures of economic policy are applied. The customs fees and duties which need to be paid in an import procedure include the following: 1) Value added tax (VAT), which, barring exceptions, is 20%; 2) Import duty according to the Customs Tariff; 3) Customs processing fee; 4) Excises according to the Fiscal Code; 5) Authorization (license) fees. Measures of economic policy imply the observance of restrictions on the introduction or import of goods and vehicles into Moldova established for the purpose of economic policy, which provide for licensing, quotas, taxation, price ceilings and thresholds. The customs clearance, as a rule, takes place at the regional customs office which is nearest to the importer's legal address. Once the stamp "Liber de vama" ("Free from customs") is applied, the imported goods may be released into free circulation. The main regulatory documents on imports are the Customs Code and the Government Decision nr. 1140 on Regulations for Customs Destinations. Importul este regimul vamal în care mărfurile introduse pe teritoriul vamal al Republicii Moldova primesc statutul de mărfuri puse în liberă circulaţie numai după ce sînt plătite drepturile de import şi sînt aplicate măsurile de politică economică. Drepturile de import ce necesită a fi achitate în cadrul unei operaţiuni de import sunt următoarele:
De regulă, vămuirea mărfurilor importate are loc la biroul vamal în raza de activitate a căruia se află sediul importatorului. Odată cu acordarea “Liberului de vama”, mărfurile importate pot fi puse în circulaţie liberă. Principalele acte normative care reglementează exportul sunt Codul Vamal şi Hotărârea Guvernului nr.1140 din 02.11.2005 cu privire la regimurile şi destinaţiile vamale. | |
Documente, certificate, declaraţii utilizate la proceduri de import | |
Orice persoană sau companie care efectuează operaţiuni de import trebuie să posede următoarele acte: • declaraţia de import; | |
Condiţii special pentru import | |
Importul din anumite ţări beneficiază de tratament tarifar preferenţial. Un astfel de tratament poate fi aplicat în cazul unor categorii de mărfuri importate în funcţie de originea acestora. Dacă tratamentul tarifar preferenţial este acordat în cadrul unui contingent cantitativ sau valoric, importatorul trebuie de asemenea să prezinte certificatul de import eliberat de organul relevant. | |
Contacte | |
Serviciul Vamal al Republicii Moldova Adresa: 30, Columna str., Chisinau, MD-2001, Republic of Moldova Serviciul de preasa: + 373 22/ 574-120 Anticamera : + 373 22/ 574-201 Secretariat: + 373 22/ 574-182 E-mail: Website: |