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Regulation Type Notifying Economy TBT Date of Submission Final date for comments Proposed date of Adoption Status
Technical Regulation Serbia Rulebook on fixed tanks 18/09/2018 01/11/2018 Archived
Technical Regulation Serbia Rulebook on fixed tanks 18/09/2018 01/11/2018 Archived
Technical Regulation Serbia Rulebook on Moisture Meters for Cereal Grain and Oilseeds 18/09/2018 01/11/2018 Archived
Technical Regulation Serbia Regulation on technical rules for statutory certification of inland navigation ships 27/08/2018 27/09/2018 Archived
Technical Regulation Serbia Regulation on technical and other requirements for slag, as a construction product intended for use in the construction, reconstruction, rehabilitation and maintenance of embankments, fills and slabs of public infrastructure objects 29/06/2018 28/09/2018 Archived
Technical Regulation Serbia Rulebook on technical rules for statutory certification of seagoing ships 29/06/2018 30/07/2018 Archived
Technical Regulation Serbia Rulebook on energy labelling of water heaters, hot water storage tanks and packages of water heater and solar device 04/06/2018 05/07/2018 Archived
Technical Regulation Serbia Rulebook on safety of playgrounds 16/05/2018 20/07/2018 Archived
Technical Regulation Serbia Ruleбоок on conditions for temporary ski lifts and reduced scope of requirements for cableway 12/01/2018 15/02/2018 Archived
Technical Regulation Serbia Rulebook on technical rules for boats, floating bodies and floating objects 18/12/2017 18/01/2018 Archived
Technical Regulation Serbia Law On Interoperability of Railway System 15/12/2017 31/03/2018 Archived
Technical Regulation Serbia Rulebook on change and amendment to the rulebook on pre-packaged products 15/12/2017 15/01/2018 Archived
Technical Regulation Albania Technical regulations for the gas industry - Code of practice G 459-2, May 2005 30/11/2017 24/11/2017 Archived
Technical Regulation Albania Technical regulations for the gas industry - Code of practice G 459-2, May 2005 30/11/2017 24/11/2017 Archived
Technical Regulation Albania Technical regulations for the gas industry - Code of practice G 459-2, May 2005 30/11/2017 24/11/2017 Archived
Technical Regulation Albania Technical regulations for the gas industry - Code of Practice G 462, July 2012 30/11/2017 24/11/2017 Archived
Technical Regulation Albania Technical regulations for the gas industry - Code of Practice G 472, July 2012 30/11/2017 24/11/2017 Archived
Technical Regulation Albania Technical regulations for the gas industry - Code of practice GW 20, February 2014 30/11/2017 24/11/2017 Archived
Technical Regulation Albania Technical regulations for the gas industry - Code of practice GW 120, October 2010 30/11/2017 24/11/2017 Archived
Technical Regulation Serbia Law on Amendments to the Law on Plant Protection Products 29/11/2017 30/12/2017 Archived

Total number of results: 323