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Regulation Type Notifying Economy TBT Date of Submission Final date for comments Proposed date of Adoption Status
Technical Regulation Serbia Rulebook on fixed tanks 18/09/2018 01/11/2018 Archived
Technical Regulation Serbia Rulebook on fixed tanks 18/09/2018 01/11/2018 Archived
Technical Regulation Serbia Rulebook on Moisture Meters for Cereal Grain and Oilseeds 18/09/2018 01/11/2018 Archived
Technical Regulation Serbia Regulation on technical and other requirements for slag, as a construction product intended for use in the construction, reconstruction, rehabilitation and maintenance of embankments, fills and slabs of public infrastructure objects 29/06/2018 28/09/2018 Archived
Technical Regulation Serbia Regulation on technical rules for statutory certification of inland navigation ships 27/08/2018 27/09/2018 Archived
Technical Regulation Serbia Rulebook on technical rules for statutory certification of seagoing ships 29/06/2018 30/07/2018 Archived
Technical Regulation Serbia Rulebook on safety of playgrounds 16/05/2018 20/07/2018 Archived
Technical Regulation Serbia Rulebook on energy labelling of water heaters, hot water storage tanks and packages of water heater and solar device 04/06/2018 05/07/2018 Archived
Technical Regulation Serbia Law On Interoperability of Railway System 15/12/2017 31/03/2018 Archived
Technical Regulation Serbia Ruleбоок on conditions for temporary ski lifts and reduced scope of requirements for cableway 12/01/2018 15/02/2018 Archived
Technical Regulation Serbia Rulebook on technical rules for boats, floating bodies and floating objects 18/12/2017 18/01/2018 Archived
Technical Regulation Serbia Rulebook on change and amendment to the rulebook on pre-packaged products 15/12/2017 15/01/2018 Archived
Technical Regulation Serbia Law on Amendments of Food Safety Law 29/11/2017 01/01/2018 Archived
Technical Regulation Serbia Rulebook on conditions that must be fulfilled by designed body for conformity assessment of vehicles and on requirements, procedures, and manner of keeping register of ADR approval certificates for vehicles 28/11/2017 31/12/2017 Archived
Technical Regulation Serbia Rulebook on conditions that must be fulfilled by designed body for conformity assessment of vehicles and on requirements, procedures, and manner of keeping register of ADR approval certificates for vehicles 28/11/2017 31/12/2017 Archived
Technical Regulation Serbia Rulebook on the manner and procedure for issuing the ADR approval certificates for vehicle 28/11/2017 31/12/2017 Archived
Technical Regulation Serbia Law on Amendments to the Law on Plant Protection Products 29/11/2017 30/12/2017 Archived
Technical Regulation Serbia The Law on Amendments to the Law on Plant Health 29/11/2017 30/12/2017 Archived
Technical Regulation Serbia Law on Construction Products 06/07/2017 01/12/2017 Archived
Technical Regulation Serbia Draft Rules on prevention of pollution of inland waterways caused by navigation 26/10/2017 27/11/2017 Archived

Total number of results: 324