Economy | BTI Reference | Nomenclature code | Validity Start Date | Validity End Date | |
Serbia | 4904/2023 | 2309903100 | 15/09/2023 | 15/09/2026 | |
Serbia | 4905/2023 | 3911901300 | 15/09/2023 | 15/09/2026 | |
Serbia | 4906/2023 | 3002490010 | 15/09/2023 | 15/09/2026 | |
Serbia | 4907/2024 | 8483908990 | 31/01/2024 | 31/01/2027 | |
Serbia | 4908/2024 | 7407211000 | 31/01/2024 | 31/01/2027 | |
Serbia | 4909/2023 | 8537109100 | 12/10/2023 | 12/10/2026 | |
Serbia | 4910/2023 | 8531804000 | 12/10/2023 | 12/10/2026 | |
Serbia | 4911-1/2023 | 3917320090 | 12/10/2023 | 12/10/2026 | |
Serbia | 4911-2/2023 | 3917320090 | 12/10/2023 | 12/10/2026 | |
Serbia | 4911-3/2023 | 3917320090 | 12/10/2023 | 12/10/2026 | |
Serbia | 4911-4/2023 | 3917320090 | 12/10/2023 | 12/10/2026 | |
Serbia | 4911-5/2023 | 3917320090 | 12/10/2023 | 12/10/2026 | |
Serbia | 4911-6/2023 | 3917320090 | 12/10/2023 | 12/10/2026 | |
Serbia | 4911-7/2023 | 3917400000 | 12/10/2023 | 12/10/2026 | |
Serbia | 4911-8/2023 | 3926909799 | 12/10/2023 | 12/10/2026 | |
Serbia | 4912/2024 | 9032890000 | 22/01/2024 | 22/01/2027 | |
Serbia | 4913/2023 | 9031808000 | 12/10/2023 | 12/10/2026 | |
Serbia | 4914/2023 | 8472908000 | 12/10/2023 | 12/10/2026 | |
Serbia | 4915/2023 | 8472908000 | 12/10/2023 | 12/10/2026 | |
Serbia | 4916/2023 | 8443321000 | 12/10/2023 | 12/10/2026 |
Total number of records: 2286
Total number of records: 2286
Last update:
Albania: 18/03/2022
Bosnia and Herzegovina: 06/12/2023
North Macedonia: 14/11/2024
Moldova: 20/10/2021
Montenegro: 20/10/2021
Serbia: 09/12/2024
Kosovo*: 18/03/2022