Goods by HS

Year Reporting Economy Destination Sector Import [€] Export [€]
2022 Kosovo* Montenegro 06 Live trees and other plants; bulbs, roots and the like; cut flowers and ornamental foliage 0,00 2.940,00
2022 Kosovo* Serbia 06 Live trees and other plants; bulbs, roots and the like; cut flowers and ornamental foliage 889.640,00 30.920,00
2022 Kosovo* Rest of the World 07 Edible vegetables and certain roots and tubers 20.054.320,00 6.935.270,00
2022 Kosovo* Albania 07 Edible vegetables and certain roots and tubers 10.350.300,00 846.610,00
2022 Kosovo* Bosnia and Herzegovina 07 Edible vegetables and certain roots and tubers 1.060,00 136.680,00
2022 Kosovo* North Macedonia 07 Edible vegetables and certain roots and tubers 1.554.420,00 481.100,00
2022 Kosovo* Montenegro 07 Edible vegetables and certain roots and tubers 390.420,00 256.680,00
2022 Kosovo* Serbia 07 Edible vegetables and certain roots and tubers 1.546.900,00 1.160.480,00
2022 Kosovo* Rest of the World 08 Edible fruit and nuts; peel of citrus fruit or melons 33.536.880,00 4.609.570,00
2022 Kosovo* Albania 08 Edible fruit and nuts; peel of citrus fruit or melons 7.921.170,00 496.640,00
2022 Kosovo* Bosnia and Herzegovina 08 Edible fruit and nuts; peel of citrus fruit or melons 0,00 8.380,00
2022 Kosovo* North Macedonia 08 Edible fruit and nuts; peel of citrus fruit or melons 2.281.280,00 75.040,00
2022 Kosovo* Moldova 08 Edible fruit and nuts; peel of citrus fruit or melons 30.900,00 0,00
2022 Kosovo* Montenegro 08 Edible fruit and nuts; peel of citrus fruit or melons 38.210,00 76.870,00
2022 Kosovo* Serbia 08 Edible fruit and nuts; peel of citrus fruit or melons 875.650,00 3.865.030,00
2022 Kosovo* Rest of the World 09 Coffee, tea, maté and spices 35.796.050,00 3.015.960,00
2022 Kosovo* Albania 09 Coffee, tea, maté and spices 949.950,00 646.060,00
2022 Kosovo* Bosnia and Herzegovina 09 Coffee, tea, maté and spices 110,00 0,00
2022 Kosovo* North Macedonia 09 Coffee, tea, maté and spices 371.880,00 2.843.150,00
2022 Kosovo* Moldova 09 Coffee, tea, maté and spices 290,00 0,00
Total number of records: 40915