Goods by HS

Year Reporting Economy Destination Sector Import [€] Export [€]
2023 Kosovo* North Macedonia 73 Articles of iron or steel 5.536.819,72 19.128.857,86
2023 Kosovo* Montenegro 73 Articles of iron or steel 30.863,90 9.621.602,48
2023 Kosovo* Serbia 73 Articles of iron or steel 2.840.995,23 16.425.703,56
2023 Kosovo* Rest of the World 74 Copper and articles thereof 17.879.904,19 4.018.597,88
2023 Kosovo* Albania 74 Copper and articles thereof 0,00 22.744,92
2023 Kosovo* Bosnia and Herzegovina 74 Copper and articles thereof 0,00 132,47
2023 Kosovo* North Macedonia 74 Copper and articles thereof 22.750,75 4.101.328,66
2023 Kosovo* Montenegro 74 Copper and articles thereof 0,00 3.353.891,73
2023 Kosovo* Serbia 74 Copper and articles thereof 263.014,26 3.501,48
2023 Kosovo* Rest of the World 75 Nickel and articles thereof 35.503,81 0,00
2023 Kosovo* North Macedonia 75 Nickel and articles thereof 647,67 0,00
2023 Kosovo* Rest of the World 76 Aluminium and articles thereof 59.642.085,14 25.118.123,29
2023 Kosovo* Albania 76 Aluminium and articles thereof 9.290.297,16 6.176.727,01
2023 Kosovo* Bosnia and Herzegovina 76 Aluminium and articles thereof 442.817,42 1.437.255,90
2023 Kosovo* North Macedonia 76 Aluminium and articles thereof 665.753,37 2.353.325,30
2023 Kosovo* Montenegro 76 Aluminium and articles thereof 9.793,00 1.299.770,27
2023 Kosovo* Serbia 76 Aluminium and articles thereof 15.515.898,18 1.126.659,71
2023 Kosovo* Rest of the World 78 Lead and articles thereof 105.408,84 2.072.741,60
2023 Kosovo* Albania 78 Lead and articles thereof 0,00 1.102.652,08
2023 Kosovo* North Macedonia 78 Lead and articles thereof 0,00 210.946,33
Total number of records: 40915