Goods by HS

Year Reporting Economy Destination Sector Import [€] Export [€]
2012 Kosovo* Rest of the World 75 Nickel and articles thereof 14.682,04 1.008,00
2012 Kosovo* Montenegro 75 Nickel and articles thereof 0,00 18.883,20
2012 Kosovo* Serbia 75 Nickel and articles thereof 1.393,75 0,00
2012 Kosovo* Rest of the World 76 Aluminium and articles thereof 14.151.447,81 5.042.489,44
2012 Kosovo* Albania 76 Aluminium and articles thereof 6.252.520,92 640.509,73
2012 Kosovo* Bosnia and Herzegovina 76 Aluminium and articles thereof 510.316,23 0,00
2012 Kosovo* North Macedonia 76 Aluminium and articles thereof 40.394,48 1.366.529,93
2012 Kosovo* Montenegro 76 Aluminium and articles thereof 0,00 1.388.860,21
2012 Kosovo* Serbia 76 Aluminium and articles thereof 1.483.837,28 80.770,59
2012 Kosovo* Rest of the World 78 Lead and articles thereof 77.055,48 1.698.777,95
2012 Kosovo* Albania 78 Lead and articles thereof 398,47 12.491,75
2012 Kosovo* North Macedonia 78 Lead and articles thereof 0,00 128.752,75
2012 Kosovo* Serbia 78 Lead and articles thereof 20.645,70 145.020,20
2012 Kosovo* Rest of the World 79 Zinc and articles thereof 927.026,22 658.804,97
2012 Kosovo* North Macedonia 79 Zinc and articles thereof 13.429,64 20.638,94
2012 Kosovo* Montenegro 79 Zinc and articles thereof 0,00 21.834,03
2012 Kosovo* Serbia 79 Zinc and articles thereof 1.645,08 14,20
2012 Kosovo* Rest of the World 80 Tin and articles thereof 82.788,22 0,00
2012 Kosovo* Albania 80 Tin and articles thereof 21,01 0,00
2012 Kosovo* Serbia 80 Tin and articles thereof 8.805,32 0,00
Total number of records: 40915