Goods by HS

Year Reporting Economy Destination Sector Import [€] Export [€]
2011 Kosovo* Rest of the World 75 Nickel and articles thereof 31.535,56 7.797,90
2011 Kosovo* Rest of the World 76 Aluminium and articles thereof 16.021.182,91 3.823.257,45
2011 Kosovo* Albania 76 Aluminium and articles thereof 4.435.163,57 1.155.880,39
2011 Kosovo* Bosnia and Herzegovina 76 Aluminium and articles thereof 236.944,81 4.850,00
2011 Kosovo* North Macedonia 76 Aluminium and articles thereof 133.395,11 1.661.440,39
2011 Kosovo* Montenegro 76 Aluminium and articles thereof 0,00 913.599,83
2011 Kosovo* Serbia 76 Aluminium and articles thereof 1.109.471,66 2.060,48
2011 Kosovo* Rest of the World 78 Lead and articles thereof 24.954,31 87.689,50
2011 Kosovo* North Macedonia 78 Lead and articles thereof 2.586,55 278.017,12
2011 Kosovo* Serbia 78 Lead and articles thereof 18.125,71 42.000,00
2011 Kosovo* Rest of the World 79 Zinc and articles thereof 1.436.544,31 676.959,25
2011 Kosovo* Albania 79 Zinc and articles thereof 0,00 8.002,45
2011 Kosovo* North Macedonia 79 Zinc and articles thereof 0,00 38.595,42
2011 Kosovo* Montenegro 79 Zinc and articles thereof 0,00 4.755,32
2011 Kosovo* Serbia 79 Zinc and articles thereof 7.679,50 0,00
2011 Kosovo* Rest of the World 80 Tin and articles thereof 95.298,68 0,00
2011 Kosovo* Montenegro 80 Tin and articles thereof 0,00 9,60
2011 Kosovo* Serbia 80 Tin and articles thereof 474,47 0,00
2011 Kosovo* Rest of the World 81 Other base metals; cermets; articles thereof 200.893,62 78.087,70
2011 Kosovo* Rest of the World 82 Tools, implements, cutlery, spoons and forks, of base metal; parts thereof of base metal 7.402.347,02 48.161,41
Total number of records: 41446