Goods by HS

Year Reporting Economy Destination Sector Import [€] Export [€]
2014 Kosovo* Montenegro 26 Ores, slag and ash 0,00 10.100.949,77
2014 Kosovo* Serbia 26 Ores, slag and ash 0,00 194,08
2014 Kosovo* Rest of the World 27 Mineral fuels, mineral oils and products of their distillation; bituminous substances; mineral waxes 282.010.211,83 2.838.200,68
2014 Kosovo* Albania 27 Mineral fuels, mineral oils and products of their distillation; bituminous substances; mineral waxes 31.069.468,63 791,00
2014 Kosovo* Bosnia and Herzegovina 27 Mineral fuels, mineral oils and products of their distillation; bituminous substances; mineral waxes 3.710.878,02 0,00
2014 Kosovo* North Macedonia 27 Mineral fuels, mineral oils and products of their distillation; bituminous substances; mineral waxes 18.881.606,14 1.703.309,72
2014 Kosovo* Montenegro 27 Mineral fuels, mineral oils and products of their distillation; bituminous substances; mineral waxes 155.153,91 0,00
2014 Kosovo* Serbia 27 Mineral fuels, mineral oils and products of their distillation; bituminous substances; mineral waxes 65.007.891,76 13.880.216,57
2014 Kosovo* Rest of the World 28 Inorganic chemicals; organic or inorganic compounds of precious metals, of rare-earth metals, of radioactive elements or of isotopes 2.105.266,77 1.698,00
2014 Kosovo* Albania 28 Inorganic chemicals; organic or inorganic compounds of precious metals, of rare-earth metals, of radioactive elements or of isotopes 16.628,02 690,00
2014 Kosovo* Bosnia and Herzegovina 28 Inorganic chemicals; organic or inorganic compounds of precious metals, of rare-earth metals, of radioactive elements or of isotopes 228.030,27 0,00
2014 Kosovo* North Macedonia 28 Inorganic chemicals; organic or inorganic compounds of precious metals, of rare-earth metals, of radioactive elements or of isotopes 548.238,37 172.570,73
2014 Kosovo* Serbia 28 Inorganic chemicals; organic or inorganic compounds of precious metals, of rare-earth metals, of radioactive elements or of isotopes 547.462,33 0,00
2014 Kosovo* Rest of the World 29 Organic chemicals 2.691.899,36 7.738,00
2014 Kosovo* Albania 29 Organic chemicals 61.369,24 0,00
2014 Kosovo* North Macedonia 29 Organic chemicals 142.484,51 2.820,00
2014 Kosovo* Serbia 29 Organic chemicals 161.669,24 0,00
2014 Kosovo* Rest of the World 30 Pharmaceutical products 45.864.008,25 20.539,92
2014 Kosovo* Albania 30 Pharmaceutical products 496.632,98 82.874,76
2014 Kosovo* Bosnia and Herzegovina 30 Pharmaceutical products 2.490.308,70 0,00
Total number of records: 40915