Goods by HS

Year Reporting Economy Destination Sector Import [€] Export [€]
2014 Kosovo* Rest of the World 38 Miscellaneous chemical products 13.694.619,75 17.847,41
2014 Kosovo* Albania 38 Miscellaneous chemical products 141.710,30 80.601,89
2014 Kosovo* Bosnia and Herzegovina 38 Miscellaneous chemical products 71.862,86 0,00
2014 Kosovo* North Macedonia 38 Miscellaneous chemical products 1.456.419,23 30.117,69
2014 Kosovo* Montenegro 38 Miscellaneous chemical products 0,00 4.104,00
2014 Kosovo* Serbia 38 Miscellaneous chemical products 1.724.170,31 107.723,31
2014 Kosovo* Rest of the World 39 Plastics and articles thereof 98.580.372,83 4.238.414,21
2014 Kosovo* Albania 39 Plastics and articles thereof 846.159,32 2.874.811,02
2014 Kosovo* Bosnia and Herzegovina 39 Plastics and articles thereof 1.199.407,46 63.495,21
2014 Kosovo* North Macedonia 39 Plastics and articles thereof 11.489.150,16 3.302.832,13
2014 Kosovo* Montenegro 39 Plastics and articles thereof 43.977,47 116.470,79
2014 Kosovo* Serbia 39 Plastics and articles thereof 14.908.361,40 750.240,08
2014 Kosovo* Rest of the World 40 Rubber and articles thereof 18.250.239,21 3.748.346,54
2014 Kosovo* Albania 40 Rubber and articles thereof 47.336,31 119.287,87
2014 Kosovo* Bosnia and Herzegovina 40 Rubber and articles thereof 23.738,07 794.365,21
2014 Kosovo* North Macedonia 40 Rubber and articles thereof 65.266,03 64.158,39
2014 Kosovo* Montenegro 40 Rubber and articles thereof 14,00 278,49
2014 Kosovo* Serbia 40 Rubber and articles thereof 2.331.234,22 195.324,23
2014 Kosovo* Rest of the World 41 Raw hides and skins (other than furskins) and leather 804.476,60 8.842.846,77
2014 Kosovo* Albania 41 Raw hides and skins (other than furskins) and leather 23.182,35 1.812,60
Total number of records: 40915