
Year Reporting Economy Destination Sector Import [€] Export [€]
2018 Moldova Bulgaria 8 Miscellaneous manufactured articles 5.777.460,00 7.682.440,00
2018 Moldova Croatia 8 Miscellaneous manufactured articles 179.800,00 18.510,00
2018 Moldova France 8 Miscellaneous manufactured articles 3.907.770,00 3.294.670,00
2018 Moldova Germany 8 Miscellaneous manufactured articles 29.076.780,00 94.156.980,00
2018 Moldova Greece 8 Miscellaneous manufactured articles 1.127.130,00 123.740,00
2018 Moldova Hungary 8 Miscellaneous manufactured articles 1.777.150,00 632.610,00
2018 Moldova Italy 8 Miscellaneous manufactured articles 61.605.750,00 140.070.040,00
2018 Moldova Slovenia 8 Miscellaneous manufactured articles 485.360,00 0,00
2018 Moldova Romania 8 Miscellaneous manufactured articles 36.779.260,00 94.309.480,00
2018 Moldova Rest of the World 9 Commodities and transactions not specified in the SITC Rev. 4 21.870,00 0,00
2018 Moldova EFTA 9 Commodities and transactions not specified in the SITC Rev. 4 64.130,00 0,00
2018 Moldova Turkey 9 Commodities and transactions not specified in the SITC Rev. 4 0,00 909.830,00
2018 Moldova EU 9 Commodities and transactions not specified in the SITC Rev. 4 917.470,00 0,00
2018 Moldova Other EU Member States 9 Commodities and transactions not specified in the SITC Rev. 4 390.550,00 0,00
2018 Moldova Austria 9 Commodities and transactions not specified in the SITC Rev. 4 2.150,00 0,00
2018 Moldova Germany 9 Commodities and transactions not specified in the SITC Rev. 4 494.730,00 0,00
2018 Moldova Italy 9 Commodities and transactions not specified in the SITC Rev. 4 2.570,00 0,00
2018 Moldova Romania 9 Commodities and transactions not specified in the SITC Rev. 4 27.470,00 0,00
2019 Moldova Rest of the World 0 Food and live animals 192.763.470,00 112.035.140,00
2019 Moldova EFTA 0 Food and live animals 15.730.590,00 59.438.500,00
Total number of records: 20095