
Year Reporting Economy Destination Sector Import [€] Export [€]
2020 Moldova Slovenia 3 Mineral fuels,lubricants and related materials 4.430,00 96.790,00
2020 Moldova Romania 3 Mineral fuels,lubricants and related materials 243.570.770,00 1.071.190,00
2020 Moldova Rest of the World 4 Animal and vegetable oils,fats and waxes 4.987.900,00 4.174.010,00
2020 Moldova EFTA 4 Animal and vegetable oils,fats and waxes 30.200,00 11.080,00
2020 Moldova Turkey 4 Animal and vegetable oils,fats and waxes 7.310,00 12.357.810,00
2020 Moldova Russia 4 Animal and vegetable oils,fats and waxes 1.797.750,00 5.360,00
2020 Moldova China 4 Animal and vegetable oils,fats and waxes 10.350,00 23.770,00
2020 Moldova Albania 4 Animal and vegetable oils,fats and waxes 0,00 93.330,00
2020 Moldova Bosnia and Herzegovina 4 Animal and vegetable oils,fats and waxes 15.800,00 0,00
2020 Moldova Kosovo* 4 Animal and vegetable oils,fats and waxes 0,00 205.720,00
2020 Moldova EU 4 Animal and vegetable oils,fats and waxes 3.667.650,00 74.442.680,00
2020 Moldova Other EU Member States 4 Animal and vegetable oils,fats and waxes 1.164.910,00 30.344.430,00
2020 Moldova Austria 4 Animal and vegetable oils,fats and waxes 18.540,00 4.200,00
2020 Moldova Bulgaria 4 Animal and vegetable oils,fats and waxes 5.540,00 472.620,00
2020 Moldova Croatia 4 Animal and vegetable oils,fats and waxes 25.110,00 0,00
2020 Moldova France 4 Animal and vegetable oils,fats and waxes 319.290,00 270.270,00
2020 Moldova Germany 4 Animal and vegetable oils,fats and waxes 884.500,00 53.070,00
2020 Moldova Greece 4 Animal and vegetable oils,fats and waxes 258.850,00 0,00
2020 Moldova Hungary 4 Animal and vegetable oils,fats and waxes 152.630,00 19.040,00
2020 Moldova Italy 4 Animal and vegetable oils,fats and waxes 717.310,00 31.501.250,00
Total number of records: 19873